Marc J. Hollander, DDS
COVID-19 Update
Coronavirus Statement

Dr. Marc Hollander received his COVID vaccine today with no adverse reactions. Not a one. A shark fin? I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Are you about over all of this COVID crap? You know, wear your mask or you can’t come in. Enter this door and leave via another door. Walk-in one direction down this aisle and the opposite direction down the next aisle. How about that thing to call and ask permission to enter an office. What about all of those damn questions about your health and have you been out of the state or the country in the last decade? Isn’t this a pile of crap?
Well, it is not. Believe it or not, contrary to what those in Washington D.C. say, this COVID-19 pandemic thing is legit. People get sick from it every day. Some of those poor souls die from it. Unfortunately, a lot of people do. Nobody wants to be one of those statistics, not you, and not us.
Believe it or not, we don’t enjoy interrogating you any more than you enjoy answering all of those lousy questions. The thing is, we do not want to potentially catch that bug and possibly come down with COVID. We sure as hell do not want to spread it to our friends, our family, or our patients. So, there really is a reason for making you stop before you can pass GO and enter.
This is not an exact science. We ask certain questions to TRY to ascertain the possibility that you MIGHT be “dangerous”. You might feel well and show no outright symptoms but still be infected. It is possible that you could be infectious to others. You don’t want this and neither do we. If we decide to reschedule your appointment, even if you are in the office and feel well, there is a method to our madness. Based on the answers that you gave to the questions that we asked you, we may decide that there COULD be a risk, and better to be safe than sorry. Is this a pain in the butt? Yup. You made the trek just to be told that you need to reschedule your appointment. We do not want to have open time that could have been used by another person. A double whammy.
Ever hear the saying “Don’t shoot the messenger”? The ladies that are asking you those lousy questions are just doing their jobs. Do not complain to them about having to answer more of those damn questions. If you have a problem with it, complain to me. I am the person who told them to do that.
Eventually, this will pass. Vaccines will be readily available to everybody. Sooner or later, most of us will develop immunity, one way or another. Until then, we ask that you respect our wishes. Answer our questions truthfully. Wear your damn mask properly. Wash your paws. Stay socially distant. Do not tempt fate.
Happy holidays. Here is to a much better 2021!!
Dr. Marc
In an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced a statewide curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. starting Thursday, November 19. We wanted to highlight this new 21-day curfew exempts people seeking medical care – which includes visits to your dentist. The ADA recognizes all dental services as essential to overall health and disease prevention.
Since the very beginning of this outbreak, our team has done everything possible to ensure the safety of our patients and their families. Dental offices continue to be an extremely clean and sterile environment, even before COVID-19.
Your dental health care cannot and should not wait, even in a pandemic. Postponing a dental treatment could cost you the positive oral health momentum you’ve maintained through your previous, consistent dental visits. With every safety precaution in place, our office is open for all dental services – and we highly recommend visiting for any dental treatment you need.
5/30/2020 Good Morning Viet Nam! (Oh wait, wrong movie.)
We have been back in operation, more or less as usual, for the past two weeks. Those of you that have had the pleasure of visiting us have noticed the new “things” that we are doing and wearing around the office.
When possible, we will endeavor to talk with you on the phone a day or so before your appointment to determine if you might be at risk for carrying the dreaded bug. When you arrive for your appointment (about 10 minutes before your scheduled time), we will be checking your forehead temperature and asking certain medical questions to ascertain the likelihood of you being sick with ‘Rona. After this, hopefully, you will be seated immediately. If not, we ask that you hang out on your horse in the parking lot until we signal for you to return to the party. Remember, please, wear your face mask covering your mouth and schnoz when in the office.
Wait until you see our new regalia! We look like a bunch of yellow bananas as we are dressed in our isolation gowns. Our faces are protected by masks, glasses, and shields. That pre-procedure hydrogen peroxide rinse that we are having you do is to try to disinfect your mouth as much as possible. Sorry about the taste. It’s not awful, but it ain’t great. We are doing our best to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Your actual treatment time may take a little longer than in the past. Aerosols seem to be the root of all evil. That devil-bug, ‘Rona, is easily spread via the spray generated from coughing, sneezing, spitting, talking, us using our dental equipment, etc. We are doing what we can to minimize, ideally to eliminate, those aerosol droplets. This does affect how we work our magic. Bear with us. Things are changing, hopefully for the better for ALL of us.
People have been asking me when I think things will return to “normal” in the dental office. My response in a nutshell is never. This is the “new normal”. Out of something bad, like this plague, comes something good. In this case, the good is that we all will be more aware of infection control. The practice of dentistry dramatically changed when the AIDS virus was loosed upon the world. We FINALLY started using gloves and masks and were much more attentive to aseptic technique, kinda like RD’s. We never went back to those bad old days. The same thing is happening now. If we are doing things better, why would we backslide?
What about a vaccination? I think that a safe and effective vaccination will dramatically make a difference. Unlike what some people are saying, my belief is that it will easily take a year or more to develop and test a vaccine to be sure that it is safe and effective. The worst thing would be to rush out a product that is assumed to be effective without actually performing the investigations to know that it is effective. People would assume that they are protected and possibly let their guard down. This could conceivably allow a recurrence of the scourge. Additionally, no vaccine is 100% effective. Viruses mutate, also. Now you have some things on which you can cogitate.
Have a great weekend!! Get out and enjoy the beauteous weather,
Dr. Marc
Ps: Oh, no comments about our Walmart-chic barrier in the front office. Not a one!!! lol
Please Like and Follow our office’s Facebook page, for timely updates. Please, also, rate and review us on Google, as well.
5/22/20 Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Take this time to reflect on all of the good that we have in our country. Politics aside and ‘Rona aside, we generally, have pretty good lives here. Thank you to those of us who have served in the Armed Forces protecting the rest of us at home, as well as those front line people who unselfishly put themselves out there every day. Bravo. You are appreciated!
Business in our office is different, as those of you that have visited us this week have noticed. Please be aware that face masks covering your nose and mouth are required when in the building. When you enter the office, please either wash your paws or use the hand sanitizer. Your temperature will be checked with a non-contact forehead thermometer and you will be asked a number of questions about your health. Based upon your responses, you may or may not be seated for your appointment. If you need to wait a few minutes, you will be asked to wait in your car for a call or text from us. Please be sure that we have your cellphone number and your email address.
When you are seated in a treatment room, your blood pressure will be checked, as usual, but in addition you will be required to do a 30-second pre-procedure mouth rinse with hydrogen peroxide. Your dental treatment, whatever that may be, will be accomplished as usual but with even more attention paid to minimizing contamination. We have always prided ourselves on doing the best that we could do to keep our environments as clean and sanitary as possible. More is now being done. This takes us more time to do.
You will notice fewer people in the office than before ‘Rona came to visit. We are scheduling patients to TRY to minimize overlap. People will not be waiting in a “waiting room”. We will not be scheduling an office full of people. Generally, it is fewer people for more time per person.
When you are finished with your appointment, please do not congregate at the check-out desk. We will try to walk you upfront in a manner to avoid a crowd of people. Please respect the “social distancing” rules and be sure to wear your mask.
We are well aware that some of you may not be comfortable coming to your dental appointment yet. That is not a problem with us. Please inform us in advance so that we can reschedule your appointment.
I wish I had a crystal ball to be able to see into the future to know what lies in store for us. I don’t have that luxury. In spite of what we are being told, I DO NOT believe that we will have a vaccination in the near future. The WORST would be to rush out a vaccination that is only marginally safe and effective, one that has not been adequately tested. This would lead to a false sense of security. People would drop their guards, The Bug would rear up its ugly head again and then what? Would this be the case, then we can expect many more illnesses and deaths. We all complained about closing businesses these past few months. Imagine if this were to occur again. So, from now forward, life has changed. The business of dentistry is changing. Out of every bad event, something good comes. We are working more diligently to provide a safer environment for ALL of us. Think about the tough new realities but do not dwell on them. Do not make yourself meshuge (crazy).
Enjoy your holiday!
Dr. Marc Please Like and Follow our office’s Facebook page, for timely updates. Please, also, rate and review us on Google, as well.
Good Morning,
It’s a beautiful day today. Let’s hope that spring is here to stay. I’m a poet, but didn’t know it. My feet show it, they’re longfellows. Sorry. I couldn’t resist.
This is my weekly update as to the status of “things” in the office. We should be open for business “as usual” this coming Monday, the 18th of May. I am not sure what “as usual” means. Certainly, you will notice some differences.
To begin, please arrive a few minutes before your scheduled appointment time. We ask that you come alone to your appointment. We still have a reception area, but we cannot have people sitting there and waiting. We are doing our best to enforce the social distance “rules”. Come in to the office to let us know that you have arrived. While you are within the confines of our office, we ask that you wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose. You will be asked a number of questions to determine your eligibility to be seen in the office. In addition, your temperature will be measured. If you do not answer our medical questions satisfactorily or if your temperature is above 100 F, turn around and skip back to your vehicle. You will NOT be admitted to the office. No copying anybody else’s answers, either. If you are caught cheating, you will automatically fail and have to repeat the class.
If we are not able to seat you immediately, we may ask that you return to your vehicle to await a call or signal from us to come back into the office. Be sure that we have your cellphone number and your email address. You will notice, that there are fewer people in the office than you are used to seeing. We will be doing our best to NOT overlap people. If more than one patient is in the office at the same time, you will be seated in treatment rooms relatively far apart. More time will be left per patient to allow for this social distancing as well as to allow even more time than before to clean the treatment rooms and ready them for the next patient.
By now all of you have heard about the PPE problems. PPE is the abbreviation for Personal Protective Equipment. This entails all of the protective garb that we wear and will be adding to the office to keep you and us safe. We have had to institute a $10.00 PPE fee to help to offset the costs involved. Believe me, this is NOT a profit center. This will be collected before you are seated.
When you are seated, while we are checking your blood pressure, we will be having you rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. We are attempting to sanitize and disinfect your mouth as much as possible. Your dental treatment will be conducted as usual with more attention paid to reducing the aerosols that may arise.
We will be contacting you very soon regarding your appointment. Should you have any questions, feel free to ask them at this time. As has been stated before, if you are not comfortable coming in, that is ok. Please let us know well in advance of your appointment. There are many people who want to and need to be seen. It is unfair to them and to us to leave your time open because you did not tell us that you would not be coming in.
We are learning as we go. Please bear with us and be understanding. We are doing our best for you.
Get outside and enjoy the sunshine!!
Dr. Marc
Please Like and Follow our office’s Facebook page, for timely updates. Please, also, rate and review us on Google, as well.
Good Morning on this Beautiful Day,
I hope that all of you are surviving our COVID Time Out, none the worse for it. Ok, we all are a little shaggier. The end of many of the restrictions seems to be in sight.
Last week, much to my surprise, Gov. DeWine gave dentistry the all clear to commence operations as normal beginning the first of May. The problem is that we do not know what “normal” entails now. We had a staff meeting just after this notification came out. There were MANY questions as to how we were going to deal with so many different aspects of practice, mostly relating to your protection as well as ours. At the conclusion of the meeting, it was agreed that we would postpone our opening until Monday 18 May to allow us to define our practices and for others to see what works and what does not work. Best practices have yet to be defined.
We will be calling you very soon to get you scheduled for your treatment, whether it is a hygiene appointment or actual repairing of a dental problem. If you are not comfortable coming in yet, THAT IS OK. Believe me, we understand and will not hold that against you. Please tell us NOW and do NOT wait until your appointment and then call to cancel. There are MANY people that want to or need to come in and it would be unfair to leave a time open that one of them could have used.
As was previously discussed, things will be different. No longer will you be awaiting your appointment in our reception room. Call us when you arrive or come in and let us know that you are here. Be sure that we have your cellphone number, and then return to your vehicle. We will call you when we are ready to see you. Come by yourself. The first thing that you will notice is that you will be required to wear a mask covering your schnoz and your mouth whenever you are in the building and we are not working in your mouth. We will check your temperature. If it is 100 F or above, turn around and trot yourself back to your car and go see your MD. Next, we will ask you a series of questions. If you do not pass this little “test”, then same thing, turn around and trot back to your car. When seated in a dental chair, while we are checking your blood pressure, you will be required to do a pre-procedure rinse with hydrogen peroxide. We are doing our best to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 bug.
For all of this to run smoothly, we ask that you arrive BEFORE your scheduled appointment time. As you know, we do our best to see you at your appointed time. If you arrive right at your scheduled time, or later, we still have to do our aforementioned work. You may be seated late. This potentially throws off the appointment times for everyone after you. I hold us to the same standards. We will do our best to stay on time. All of us be considerate of others.
This is evolving and changing. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming Days.
Best Regards, Dr. Marc
View Video Transcript4/22/2020
Good Morning, As you know, Dr. Amy is continuing our time-out and confinement to our rooms through AT THE SOONEST, the end of May. When we commence seeing patients, it will be with a new “normal’. We have always met or exceeded all the guidelines as far as office and personal cleanliness. We are trying to step that up even more. This is for our protection as well as for yours. We are always ready to help you manage any dental emergencies that may crop-up. Call the office during regular hours and if we do not answer the phone immediately, leave a message and we will promptly return your call. The office phone number is: 614-475-7228. After hours, call me at my home number: 614-239-7971. If a prescription is necessary, please have your pharmacy phone number, your date of birth, and any drug allergies you have, available. In these challenging times it may not be feasible to get into the office for that emergency. Teledentistry is available. This does NOT take the place of a good face-to-face (mask-to-face) examination, but as a stop-gap it works. You will still call the appropriate phone number depending on the time of day or night. I will interview you as to the nature of the issue, the symptoms that you are having, etc. A GOOD cell phone photograph or three will be invaluable. I need your images to be my eyes. All of this information can help me to decide on an appropriate course of action. We can then decide if the emergency needs to be treated ASAP or if it can wait a little while. Most likely you will still need to be seen in the office, at some point in time, for a proper follow-up with all of the appropriate diagnostic tests and then the correct treatment. Remember: Keep your social distance, cough and sneeze into a disposable tissue or a handkerchief or your sleeve, wear some type of a mask when/if you are out with other people, be aware of what you touch and who else had their mitts on that thing that you are now touching, and wash your paws with soap and water, frequently. Stay healthy! Dr. Marc4/7/2020
Teledentistry April 7th
Good Morning, As you know, Dr. Amy is continuing our time-out and confinement to our rooms through AT THE SOONEST, the end of May. When we commence seeing patients, it will be with a new “normal’. We have always met or exceeded all the guidelines as far as office and personal cleanliness. We are trying to step that up even more. This is for our protection as well as for yours. We are always ready to help you manage any dental emergencies that may crop-up. Call the office during regular hours and if we do not answer the phone immediately, leave a message and we will promptly return your call. The office phone number is: 614-475-7228. After hours, call me at my home number: 614-239-7971. If a prescription is necessary, please have your pharmacy phone number, your date of birth, and any drug allergies you have, available. In these challenging times it may not be feasible to get into the office for that emergency. Teledentistry is available. This does NOT take the place of a good face-to-face (mask-to-face) examination, but as a stop-gap it works. You will still call the appropriate phone number depending on the time of day or night. I will interview you as to the nature of the issue, the symptoms that you are having, etc. A GOOD cell phone photograph or three will be invaluable. I need your images to be my eyes. All of this information can help me to decide on an appropriate course of action. We can then decide if the emergency needs to be treated ASAP or if it can wait a little while. Most likely you will still need to be seen in the office, at some point in time, for a proper follow-up with all of the appropriate diagnostic tests and then the correct treatment. Remember: Keep your social distance, cough and sneeze into a disposable tissue or a handkerchief or your sleeve, wear some type of a mask when/if you are out with other people, be aware of what you touch and who else had their mitts on that thing that you are now touching, and wash your paws with soap and water, frequently. Stay healthy! Dr. Marc4/2/2020
View Video Transcript3/31/2020
We are able to treat dental emergencies on a limited basis. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, please give us a call: 614-702-7670
I wanted to give you an update on what I know about how the COVID-19 virus is impacting us at the office and our ability to see you as a dental patient.
To begin, one week ago we decided that closing the office to all but emergency patients would be the prudent thing to do both for your health and safety as well as for ours. All we knew was that things were bad and rapidly getting worse. About this same time we got a notice from the Ohio Board of Health and the State Dental Board ORDERING that we essentially close. They said what we knew. The ONLY patients that we could treat were true emergencies.
Yesterday Governor DeWine and Dr. Amy Acton from the Ohio Dept. of Health put the entire state in a time out. Apparently, we have been bad and not listening. We all were sent to our rooms and told not to leave them without a good excuse. They even went so far as to elucidate those excuses.
One week ago, when I decided to close the office, my thought was that it would be for two weeks, maybe a little longer, but two weeks was the soonest that we would commence work again. This put our potential reopening on 30 March. Yesterday we were told to stay in our rooms and not come out of them until 6 April. This is one week longer than my original plan. Seeing as we have not hit the peak yet and day by day the morbidity and mortality reports show a curve that is rising steeply, I anticipate that we will remain in a lock-down beyond 6 April.
Please be advised that I/we WILL see and treat you if you have a dental emergency. This is, however, predicated on you being healthy. If you are sick, you will need to be treated in a hospital setting.
I post periodic updates and information and other things of interest on our office FaceBook page. Please follow us. Find us listed as Marc J Hollander DDS & Associates. Follow us, post comments and funnies, tag us in your posts, spread the word.
The office phone number remains 614-475-7228. My home number is 614-239-7971. My email is No comments about AOL! How old is THAT?
Thank you and stay healthy!!
Dr. Marc
To our patients,
These are certainly memorable times in which we are living. We are learning as we go. There are no textbooks that I can reference as to how to handle the state of “things”. This Coronabeervirus is a new animal. We have no guidance other than what is being done in other locales and countries and recommendations by various Boards.
So, it is with an abundance of caution, we have decided to not see patients for treatment other than emergencies. This is as much for your protection as for ours.
As of now, we have no idea how long this “holiday” will last. I see this as a minimum of two weeks, quite possibly lasting longer.
If you have a dental emergency, call the office, 614-475-7228. We will still see you and treat you in a timely manner. Please understand, however, if you are not feeling healthy, we cannot see you.
Thank you for understanding and for bearing with us,
Marc Hollander DDS