Marc J. Hollander, DDS

COVID-19 Video Update

Coronavirus Video Statement


Video Transcript

Well. Good day everybody. I wanted to give all of you an update as far as the opening of our office for normal operations. Well, the latest information that I get from the ADA and that’s from this morning recommends that we’re going to be staying closed at least until the end of April. Now my best guess with all this is it’s more than likely going to be probably may, maybe the end of may before we get to open.

Now, always, always, we’re here for emergencies. So, the reality here is that Dr Amy with, state board of health is gonna have the final, okay as to when we can open or not open. Understand that once we hit the peak of this, that doesn’t mean that everything is okay. This virus is going to be around for a long time.

It’s going to develop, it’s going to mutate, it’s going to change, and vaccinations are gonna make a big, huge difference, but it’s going to take a while until those are out. So don’t expect that once we’re allowed to open and work, business is going to be like normal. It’s not, this is going to be all new for everybody.

We’re just going to have to see what happens with all this. So my best advice to everybody is to stay inside. Do what they’re telling us to do. If you do have to go outside, then maintain that social distance and always wash your paws like everybody tells us. Now, if you want a real good video about proper hand washing technique, go to my office Facebook page.

I’ve got a great one. It’s the Facebook page, just Mark J Hollander DDS and associates. Like it; follow us on Facebook. I’m going to post all kinds of updates on that and hopefully there’s going to be good information for everybody. So stay in touch. I’ll try and stay in touch with everybody. like I said, I’m here for emergencies, so don’t feel like you can’t call.

If something comes up, let us know about it. Take care, stay healthy, wash your hands. Bye now.

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    Just for Laughs

    Q: What is Dr. Hollander’s favorite day of the week?

    A: He likes Toothsdays
